For web log assignment #1. I chose Jib Jab joking between Bush and Kerry together in song, Bush has the map of USA and writes by colors on the map “mass-uh- chew- sits” Bush said: this land is your land- meaning to Kerry, location in the East, and said: this is my land, and write” don’t mess with Texas, meaning to self him from there. And he said; “I am a Texas tiger, you are liberal whiner (Kerry with his sandwich and ketchup). I am great Caesar (jumping on top of a table wearing traditional clothes), you are Herman Munster (bad picture with old house in dark area like witches), this land for sure for me.
Space beow par's Kerry, this land is your land (show un old area and a bad place and dirty with its flag having three colors and one star), this land is my land (modern and clean), then writing some math to show self him as smart and Bush is stupid; for example; 9+3=14. Kerry in the boots of the navy, some normal people wave of hem, then he does not care, just kills, this land for sure is for me. Bush, you have more waffle hut and some cakes, and I will take tax breaks. Last thing, from a native American said, who this is my land.
In my opinion all political people usually show themselves as good people and better than others, and give all nations promise but in generally, after winning nothing, or just do less, the joking is just looking for someone famous.
I visited the website you introduced. I saw the movie you wrote about. It's very funny.
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