
Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Don't Call Me Mr. Mom!

For web log assignment # 4 I chose the http://www.slowlane.com/ for stay-at- home Dads, by Buzz McClain. This website explains and has some story for some fathers and has too some questions for someone who is Dad for children. There are 10 questions; I will take 5 and try to do those shortly and good summary, for title. “Don’t call me Mr.” Mom. Always the men have problems for stay at home raising the children and the mothers at location of work the men often refuse that job, usually fathers are not patient with children like mothers and some bad words sometimes came out from fathers to their children. This page will help Dads and give them experience to try and do this job. There are some questions.
"What are you going to do when you go back to work in the real world?" the dads hate this, because it implies raising children isn't real and it isn't work.
"Wouldn't it be better for the kids if the mother stayed at home?" the father stays at home is be ther than when given over to professional day care, the mothers are more involved in their children's lives. The kids get two parents with strong influences.
"What do you do with all your spare time?" There is not enough time to do all of it alone like food, clothes, beds, and laundry and teach, Besides seeing to the children.
"Who wears the pants in the family?" the dads are likely to wash more dishes, fold more laundry and go to the tot lot more than other the fathers, but when mom is at home dads play and watch just as much sports.
"Oh, so you're Mr. Mom." Don't call us Mr. Mom. If you must call at-home dads something, try Mr. Dad.

In my opinion no one can take all responsibility alone. There is connection between mom and father, except in some some situations, it is too much for one person to do alone, because the will work help and assistante. There are some programs to help single mothers and fathers like websites, or some places; for example, today all fathers and mothers need daycare for children or a baby sitter.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

The girls share the parents

For web log assignment #3 I chose the” Barbie website” byhttp://barbie.everythinggirl.com/parents/ydy_main.asp. Matt Stevens. There are several things they talk about that the girls share with the parents, that we should know and understand about your daughter more than other. The girls feel that these activities let them express ideas about how specific girls live. The art like BARBIE gives the girls a feeling about something inside their life. The website has a poll about “Which arts activity does your daughter enjoy most”?
1- Dancing
2- Singing
3- Playing an instrument
4- Drawing/painting
5- Sculpting
Sometimes the kids make a mess and hold anything that is good or dirty. The girls have more emotions so they need some things near them and hold them with a hug. The gift is very important for girls; it gives them a good feeling and is special. The girls have pride and more feeling; they need understanding and need more fun.

My opinion
It is a very important subject, talking specifically about the girls that have dolls, for example; Barbie. It is a famous doll; I think it did more to change girls themselves because the girls like to be princesses, beautiful, attractive, with new style and a new look, and have some things special, but the girls ask the parents for a lot things for colors and toys and clothes, all the same kinds, for one famous doll like Barbie. But no are thinks about whether it is good or bad; they just obey and follow the ad. Some parents have trouble with that, because it changes the behavior of girls; this is a good example of some little things that make a big change in the new generation. All girls in the world know Barbie doll, and in my country, as another

Example. We have a famous doll whose name is Fullh. A lot of parents over there support Fullh, and always girls do the same, because we understand the girls need some things very close to them to hold, but we need a good example for the girls and try to keep them safe from bad change.

Saturday, September 09, 2006


AGE 12 TO 18

1- Male students reported more crimes than female, 80 per 1,000.

2- Reported more theft crimes than any other crimes, 47 per 1,000.

3- Have more violent crimes against them than females, 33 per 1,000.

4- Have almost three times as many incidents of serious violence against them.

5- Male and females 12th graders were about equally as likely to report having been injured on purpose with out a weapon 1996 at school.

My opinion
I agree with that, because the male from any kind or age is aggressive to do crimes more than females, and we can see the world now; this is true and is a fact.

Monday, September 04, 2006



All people are looking for a good friend from humans or animals, but I will talk about special story from 40 years ago. A famous man in K.S.A had a lot of Camels; one small one mother was dying, then he took care of it, all camels in the morning went to eat then came back before Sundown. This small camel before it left went in front of the door waiting for the boss then went with the others every day. After 5 years the small camel come to the door as usual waiting for the boss but did not see it, then some people brought the boss, holding to some a place for dead people, because he died, then the camel was seeing and sad it still was like that for 20 days; after that the camel was missing and they went looking for it. They found it died in the same place as the boss. This story gives us good relations and good friend ship.


All people are looking for a good friend from humans or animals, but I will talk about special story from 40 years ago. A famous man in K.S.A had a lot of Camels; one small one mother was dying, then he took care of it, all camels in the morning went to eat then came back before Sun down. This small camel before it left went in front of the door waiting for the boss then went with the others every day. After 5 years the small camel come to the door as usual waiting for the boss but did not see it, then some people brogan the boss, holding to some place for die people, because he died then the camel was seeing and sad still was like that 20 days after that missing the camel was and they went looking for it. They found it died in the same place as the boss. This story gives us good relations and good friend ship.